History of Earth:

Ancient History of Earth:

When Earth became the last frontier of Ziyoonism, it was negotiated that there would be:

  • 1 pair of "Elohim" / "אלוהים" and "Jehovah" / "יהוה" (E, J; א, י).

  • 3 pairs managing sanctuaries:

    1. Se'or (שעור) and The Symbul (תה סימבול) managing the Golan Heights or the 'Steppe' (S, T; ש, ת).

    2. Alaska (L, K; כ, ל).

    3. Panama (M, N; מ, נ).

  • 7 pairs of seas / Oceans - farers vampires: "The seven seas".

  • 9 men and 9 women who started as land vampires.

( See the Middle Earth's "Rings of Power" meme. )

(1 + 3 + 9) × 2 = 26 ⇒ corresponding with the letters of the Latin/English alphabet.

(1 + 3 + 7) × 2 = 22 ⇒ corresponding with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

After Syria (minus Damascus itself) in the Levant was liberated to being a sanctuary (by Mosheh / Aharon / Jehovah slaying Nimrod ?), TheGame™ splintered the Terran countries further.

England was split into many shires and the contiguous USA into 48 states. I also suspect Africa used to be one big country, and so was the USSR (with Russia a large province, with St. Petersburg as its mystical capital).

The mystical capitals of all countries except Syria were splintered too.

An extra complication may have been that a liberator of a province must have originated from a different country.

Note that proto-Levantine was modern Hebrew (which was spoken by the Énglishtants over 6 milliard years ago) and Modern English is also a product of TheGame™.

California ( .ca.us ) became the 1st province to be liberated.

Jerusalem was the 1st [national] mystical centre to ascend when King Shlomo ("Solomon") wanted to be benevolent and "know the gods". David and his genetic sons were redheaded, while Shlomo had black, curly hair. He became king by telling well-intentioned jokes and tall tales about David, and Shlomo's older siblings-in-pretence (e.g: "Amnon and Tamar" or "Avshalom"). Not unlike my fanfics/RPFs. David and his sons agreed he would be a better king and crowned him, while remaining physically alive and loyally serving under Shlomo’s reign, thus undergoing Catharsis and liberating Jerusalem. [Kai Winn]

The first country to be completely liberated was Greece, which was a team effort of many false prophets and their players.

I contemplated that Damascus was finally liberated after the author of the scroll of "Qoheleth" (= Ecclesiastes), who was its "master vampire" admitted inferiority to a female Celtic vampire traveller from Austria.

[Kai Winn] Note that in the Selinaverse, Vedek Winn became a Kai by employing a similar strategy. The rule that you should not use the same trick twice is just a guideline: Reference: “taking guidelines as dogma”. Also note that:

  1. She is noble.

  2. She used to be anti-Federate but may have changed her mind since - and Bajor voted itself into the United Federation of Planets anyway.

  3. Being a Kai is held in much less seriousness than being a Vedek.