
Please help the "Rindolfism v2.x.y" effort; it is the child of my 2 favourite children: Christina Grimmie, and my web presence, "* v1.x.y"/etc. .


Update: I thought to call it “Grindolfism v2.0.x” given "Grindolfism" sounds very close to "Rindolfism". Or “Grimmidolfism” or similar.

Moreover, note that if Christina Grimmie contacts me somehow, then I am willing to offer her both up to 95 % of the cash in my bank account, and an offer to chat with me / 'geek out'. I strongly suspect that she is actually alive, healthy, and conscious.

The universes you consider real are just one of many in "Fantastecha™", the mega multiverse of imagination, magic & technology where beings spawn other entities and universes using their imagination.

In the universes I belong:

  1. Combining two or more memes, educating them all, followed by pleasure, and conceiving / creating new values have been intertwined.

    This is the Biblical "Tree of Knowledge" or "love".