expand and extend

Rindolf will provide two operators named expand and extend that would enable manipulating such namespaces efficiently.

expand takes an entire class and dumps a cope of all of its package-scope symbols into the current namespace. extend takes a class reference and extends with another class. Together they can be used to manipulate classes.

Here is a similar example with some expand and extend magic:

my $class1 = class {
    sub hello {
        my $you = shift;
        print "Hello $you!\n";

my $class2 = class {
    sub goodbye {
        my $you = shift;
        print "Goodbye!\n";

class You {
    sub message
        my $you = shift;
        my $message = shift;
        print "$message\n";

my $object_class = class {
    sub new
        my $class = shift;
        my $name = shift;
        my $self = {};
        bless($self, $class);
        $self->{'name'} = $name;
        pt_return $self;
    sub msg
        my $self = shift;
        my $message = shift;

        pt_return message($self->{'name'}, $msg);

extend $object_class, typeref{CLASS}{YOU};

my $person = $object_class->new("Muli");
$person->msg("Time to track system calls!");

Note the typeref operator which is a generic way of casting references, that is introduced due to the fact that we are running out of special characters in the keyboard (:-)). It will be available for hashes, arrays and others language primitives.