9.4. grep
The grep function can be used to filter items out of an array based on a boolean expression or a regular expression. The syntax for the block usage is similar to map while the syntax for the regexp usage is similar to split.
Here is an example that takes a file and filters only the perl comments whose length is lesser than 80 characters:
use strict; use warnings; my (@lines, $l); my $filename = shift; open my $in, "<", $filename; while ($l = <$in>) { chomp($l); push @lines, $l; } close($in); # Filter the comments my @comments = grep(/^#/, @lines); # Filter out the long comments my @short_comments = (grep { length($_) <= 80 ; } @comments); print join("\n", @short_comments), "\n";
And here's how grep can help us find the first 100 primes:
use strict; use warnings; my @primes = (2); for(my $n=3 ; scalar(@primes) < 100 ; $n++) { if (scalar(grep { $n % $_ == 0 ; } @primes) == 0) { push @primes, $n; } } print join(", ", @primes), "\n";