Shlomi Fish's Resume
Shlomi Fish
4 Hakim Eliyaho St.
Tel Aviv, 69120
Phone Number: 03-6424668
Cell Phone: 054-6232377
Fax Number: 03-6414319
E-mail Address:
Home Page:
Instant Messaging: ICQ - #207733823; AIM - ShlomiFish;
Jabber - ; MSN -
Education |
1997 - 2004 |
The Technion B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Proper) Average: 84.6% (Cum Laude) |
1991-1995 |
Gymnasia Ivrit "Herzlia" Major Subjects: Mathematics, English, Physics and Arabic |
Experience |
Programming - at Workplaces |
2008 (for 4 months) | (Part of Emblaze) Porting a C++ server application from Win32 to Linux. Worked on a server for push-E-mail (to cellphones), which needed porting from Win32 to Linux. Technologies used were: gcc/g++, vim, libcurl, GNU make, Ubuntu Linux, Perl and others. |
2007 (for 3 months) |
Tehuti Networks Linux kernel development and QA engineering for a 10 Gbps Ethernet card that Tehuti develops. Specialised in testing the card under VMWare ESX and Xen Enterprise. Coded using Perl and ANSI C. |
January 1997 - October 1997 |
Smart Link Ltd. Testing a software-based modem (Modio), Windows 95 Programming. Manual testing of a soft-modem. Writing test procedures. Programming various utilities in Visual C++, MFC, and Perl. |
April 1996 - October 1996 |
Cortext Inc. HTML composition, CGI programming, TCP/IP client/server programs. Worked with Perl 5, various UNIX flavours (FreeBSD, IRIX, SunOS 4.1.3), and several Windows 95 workstations. Did web development using HTML, Perl and UNIX. |
June 1995 - March 1996 |
Elpas Electro-optic Systems, Ltd. Databases, client/server programs (with NetDDE), English/Hebrew MS-Windows GUI Programmed using C and C++ on Windows 3.11. Experienced with networking, SQL, databases, ODBC, NETDDD, Borland C++ 4.5 and MSDN. |
Programming - Open Source Projects |
2007 | XML::RSS |
Work on the CPAN Perl Module for processing RSS: bug fixing (while adding regression tests), increasing test coverage, and refactoring. Some of it was done as part of a grant from The Perl Foundation. | |
2004 | HTML-Widgets-NavMenu |
A Perl Module for maintaining HTML navigation menus and site flow. | |
2003 | The Better SCM Site - |
A web-site for information and advocacy of version control systems and Source Configuration Management (SCM). Includes articles, links and a multiple-item multiple-system comparison of 16 different implementations. | |
2002-Present | Contribution to large-scale open source projects (GIMP, Subversion and perl). |
Code contribution to the Subversion version control system; large-scale code contribution to the GIMP image manipulation program; contribution of documentation and external modules to the Perl programming language. | |
2001 - Present | Latemp - a Content Management System for Static HTML Sites. |
A content management system based on Website Meta Language and many Perl CPAN modules, intended primarily for constructing static HTML pages. | |
2000 |
Freecell Solver A C program that automatically solves games of Freecell and similar variants of card solitaire. |
1997 |
MikMod for Java Converting a program from ANSI C to Java |
Communal and Personal |
2001 - Present |
The Israeli Group of Linux Users Server Administrating a 100% uptime server carrying FTP, SMTP and numerous WWW-services. |
Mathematics |
1994 |
1st place, first Annual Israel's Mathematics Contest for School Teams Along with: Kobi Karlibakh, Or Tsok and Amit Zinger |
Technical Articles |
2005 | Building Navigation Menus |
An article that discusses web-site navigation and site flow patterns in general, and then explains how to implement them using the HTML-Widgets-NavMenu module. | |
2004 | Which Open Source Wiki works for you? |
An article overviewing and comparing several popular and open source wiki engines. Published at O'Reilly-Net. | |
2004 | The New Breed of Version Control Systems |
A comparison of the version control systems that aim to be successors to the CVS version control system. Published at O'Reilly-Net. | |
2001 | Perl for Perl Newbies |
A series of presentations (along with detailed slides and many examples) that aim to introduce the Perl programming language for beginners. | |
Creative Writing |
2004-2005 |
The Human Hacking Field Guide A humorous realistic story about high school teens in mid-2000's Los Angeles, who deal in programming extensively. |
1998 |
The One with The Fountainhead A parody on "The Fountainhead" (by Ayn Rand) modelled on an episode of the T.V. show "Friends". |
1996-1997 |
The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight it A satire about the situation in the Israeli-Lebanese border |
Essays |
2003 | Open Source, Free Software and Other Beasts |
An essay explaining what Open Source Software, and Free Software is all about, the difference of terms and philosophies, and the various other terms one should know about. | |
2004 | The Joy of Perl |
An essay explaining why I like Perl so much. | |
References |
Will be supplied upon request | |
Fields of Expertise |
Programming Languages: | C/C++, Perl, Basic, Java, JavaScript, Object Pascal, Bourne Shell, Scheme, Haskell, Matlab, Python, PHP, Common Lisp, Prolog (Basic Knowledge). |
Operating Systems: | UNIX (Linux, FreeBSD, others), Windows 95/98, Windows 3.11, DOS, Windows XP. |
Databases: | SQL, Delphi, ODBC, MS-Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite. |
Internet Related: | HTML, XHTML, CGI programming, JavaScript, TCP/IP Sockets, Website Meta Language, Apache, CGI::Application |
XML Technologies: | XML, DTD, RELAX NG, XPath, DOM, XSLT. |
Various Programs: | Word, Excel, WordPerfect, Corel-Draw, The GIMP, LaTeX, DocBook/XML,, Inkscape. |
Development Tools: | Autoconf/Automake/Libtool, CVS, Subversion, BitKeeper, SVK, Vim, CMake. |
Languages |
Hebrew | Speaking, Reading and Writing - Mother Tongue |
English | Speaking, Reading and Writing - Very Good |
Arabic | Reading and Writing - extremely basic (and rusty) command |
Personal |
Born 5 May, 1977 Single |