Shlomi Fish's Resume
Shlomi Fish
4 Hakim Eliyaho St.
Tel Aviv, 69120
Phone Number: 03-6424668
Cell Phone: 054-6232377
Fax Number: 03-6414319
E-mail Address:
Home Page:
Instant Messaging: ICQ - #207733823; AIM - ShlomiFish;
Jabber - ; MSN -
Education |
1997 - 2004 |
The Technion B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Proper) Average: 84.6% (Cum Laude) |
1991-1995 |
Gymnasia Ivrit "Herzlia" Major Subjects: Mathematics, English, Physics and Arabic |
Experience |
Programming - at Workplaces |
2008 (for 4 months) | (Part of Emblaze) Porting a C++ server application from Win32 to Linux. Worked on a server for push-E-mail (to cellphones), which needed porting from Win32 to Linux. Technologies used were: gcc/g++, vim, libcurl, GNU make, Ubuntu Linux, Perl and others. |
2007 (for 3 months) |
Tehuti Networks Linux kernel development and QA engineering for a 10 Gbps Ethernet card that Tehuti develops. Specialised in testing the card under VMWare ESX and Xen Enterprise. Coded using Perl and ANSI C. |
January 1997 - October 1997 |
Smart Link Ltd. Testing a software-based modem (Modio), Windows 95 Programming. Manual testing of a soft-modem. Writing test procedures. Programming various utilities in Visual C++, MFC, and Perl. I began working at SmartLink as a tester for their software-based modem which was based on a soundcard and implemented the connection logic and the DSP in software. I worked with Windows 95 and Windows 95 OSR2. When Smart-Link hired a dedicated and more experienced Q&A Engineer, I became a part-time tester/ high-level programmer/general jack-of-all-trades. I worked with the Windows Drivers, MFC, Perl for Win32, DJGPP, Cygwin, a myriad of games and modem-related software, as well as Microsoft IIS. |
April 1996 - October 1996 |
Cortext Inc. HTML composition, CGI programming, TCP/IP client/server programs. I worked at Cortext as a web-designer and CGI programmer. I worked with HTML, Apache, Perl, various UNIX flavours (FreeBSD, SunOS 4.1.3, IRIX) and Windows 95 Workstations. Built several sites there, while still using almost exclusively Perl due to my limited knowledge (at that point) of UNIX. |
June 1995 - March 1996 |
Elpas Electro-optic Systems, Ltd. Databases, client/server programs (with NetDDE), English/Hebrew MS-Windows GUI Elpas developed a network of sensors that was installed in each room of a building (say a hospital), and received input from infra-red badges. That made it possible to determine where each person or piece of equipment was located. I maintained the software that ran on a centralised computer, received the raw input from the sensors and processed it. My main issue was to replace an SCO UNIX server software with something internal of our own. We inspected working with Microsoft Access and ODBC, and eventually realised our own in-memory data managing was the most suitable solution due to the real-time nature of the application. Specialised in Windows (16-bit) Programming, SQL, ODBC, ANSI C and C++. Worked primarily with Borland C++ 4.5 and the Microsoft Developer Network. |
Programming - Open Source Projects |
2007 | XML::RSS |
Work on the CPAN Perl Module for processing RSS: bug fixing (while adding regression tests), increasing test coverage, and refactoring. Some of it was done as part of a grant from The Perl Foundation. | |
2004 | HTML-Widgets-NavMenu |
A Perl Module for maintaining HTML navigation menus and site flow. | |
2003 | The Better SCM Site - |
A web-site for information and advocacy of version control systems and Source Configuration Management (SCM). Includes articles, links and a multiple-item multiple-system comparison of 16 different implementations. | |
2002-Present | Contribution to large-scale open source projects (GIMP, Subversion and perl). |
Code contribution to the Subversion version control system; large-scale code contribution to the GIMP image manipulation program; contribution of documentation and external modules to the Perl programming language. | |
2001 - Present | Latemp - a Content Management System for Static HTML Sites. |
A content management system based on Website Meta Language and many Perl CPAN modules, intended primarily for constructing static HTML pages. | |
2000 |
Freecell Solver A C program that automatically solves games of Freecell and similar variants of card solitaire. Started a C project to automatically solve games of Freecell. Continued in adding more features, optimisations, and clean-ups. Experienced with ANSI C Programming, writing portable code, Autoconf/Automake/Libtool, GNU Make, Writing RPM Specs, maintaining a web-site and interacting with users and co-developers over the Internet. Freecell Solver is distributed under the public domain, and has been integrated into three Freecell implementations so far. |
1997 |
MikMod for Java Converting a program from ANSI C to Java Mod Files are music files whose instruments are given as samples, and are played at different notes and effects to create the melody. The conversion was done by converting to C++, and then several steps of Javaisation. The resultant code was working and produced good output, but was not very conformant to the Java style. |
Communal and Personal |
2001 - Present |
An Administrator for the site. Maintaining several online services supported by the main server of the Israeli Group of Linux Users (IGLU). Experience with Apache, Perl, rsync, qmail and other programs. Created several online pieces of content using these tools. |
1999-Present |
Maintaining a private Linux workstation Maintained several home systems and one at the Computer Networks Laboratory of the EE Department of the Technion. Experience with package maintenance, system configuration, installing software, fixing glitches, and daily use. Used RedHat Linux (versions 5.x, 6.x) and Mandrake/Mandriva Linux (versions 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x and 2005/2006). |
Mathematics |
1994 |
1st place, first Annual Israel's Mathematics Contest for School Teams Along with: Kobi Karlibakh, Or Tsok and Amit Zinger |
Technical Articles |
2005 | Building Navigation Menus |
An article that discusses web-site navigation and site flow patterns in general, and then explains how to implement them using the HTML-Widgets-NavMenu module. | |
2004 | Which Open Source Wiki works for you? |
An article overviewing and comparing several popular and open source wiki engines. Published at O'Reilly-Net. | |
2004 | The New Breed of Version Control Systems |
A comparison of the version control systems that aim to be successors to the CVS version control system. Published at O'Reilly-Net. | |
2001 | Perl for Perl Newbies |
A series of presentations (along with detailed slides and many examples) that aim to introduce the Perl programming language for beginners. | |
Creative Writing |
2004-2005 |
The Human Hacking Field Guide A humorous realistic story about high school teens in mid-2000's Los Angeles, who deal in programming extensively. |
1998 |
The One with The Fountainhead A parody on "The Fountainhead" (by Ayn Rand) modelled on an episode of the T.V. show "Friends". |
1996-1997 |
The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight it A satire about the situation in the Israeli-Lebanese border |
Essays |
2003 | Open Source, Free Software and Other Beasts |
An essay explaining what Open Source Software, and Free Software is all about, the difference of terms and philosophies, and the various other terms one should know about. | |
2004 | The Joy of Perl |
An essay explaining why I like Perl so much. | |
References |
Will be supplied upon request | |
Fields of Expertise |
Programming Languages: | C/C++, Perl, Basic, Java, JavaScript, Object Pascal, Bourne Shell, Scheme, Haskell, Matlab, Python, PHP, Common Lisp, Prolog (Basic Knowledge). |
Operating Systems: | UNIX (Linux, FreeBSD, others), Windows 95/98, Windows 3.11, DOS, Windows XP. |
Databases: | SQL, Delphi, ODBC, MS-Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite. |
Internet Related: | HTML, XHTML, CGI programming, JavaScript, TCP/IP Sockets, Website Meta Language, Apache, CGI::Application |
XML Technologies: | XML, DTD, RELAX NG, XPath, DOM, XSLT. |
Various Programs: | Word, Excel, WordPerfect, Corel-Draw, The GIMP, LaTeX, DocBook/XML,, Inkscape. |
Development Tools: | Autoconf/Automake/Libtool, CVS, Subversion, BitKeeper, SVK, Vim, CMake. |
Languages |
Hebrew | Speaking, Reading and Writing - Mother Tongue |
English | Speaking, Reading and Writing - Very Good |
Arabic | Reading and Writing - extremely basic (and rusty) command |
Personal |
Born 5 May, 1977 Single |